Paradigm Dimensions

About Us

Paradigm Dimensions is a teaching and prophetic oriented ministry.

The true paradigm is Jesus, the Christ of God. A paradigm is a pattern and Jesus is God’s pattern of how we should live in this world. The dimensions of Jesus are the aspects we see of His life; that is, breadth, and length, and depth, and height. God flows His love and presence to us in Jesus’ Name through the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the way, truth, and the life and no one gets to the Father but through Jesus.

This ministry is dedicated to reaching people who might not have the benefit of attending public meetings where the voice of God is heard through the speaker; therefore, the benefit of the internet is used.

This ministry does not pretend to have all of the answers; however, we know the One who has the answers; that is, our Father God, in Jesus Name, through the Holy Spirit.

The Bible, principally the King James Version is the text of choice and is chosen because of the strength of the written word.

This ministry is but a small voice in the world of voices; but all sounds are significant and, prayerfully, this voice will be heard as well by one or many.

David J Roll


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